Warner Bros. Animation. released the first trailer for the animation Watchmen, a project that will be divided into two parts and will retell one of the most acclaimed comic books in history.

The trailer shows several iconic moments from the original story, and features a visual aesthetic very similar to that of Marvel's What If...? series. The first part is scheduled to arrive at the end of this year, with the second only in 2025. The teaser also confirmed the presence of actor Adam Driver in the project, being one of the names to star in the film.


Watchmen is set in an alternative version of the year 1985, exploring a world where superheroes ended up emerging, which altered several historical moments in humanity. After the hero Comedian is killed, an investigation begins by the masked Rorschach. What he didn't expect was to find a complex conspiracy behind the event.

Watchmen has already been adapted for the cinema with the film by director Zack Snyder and also an HBO series showing the world after the events of the main plot.

Watchmen: Chapter 1 arrives at the end of 2024.

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